Recent Activities
Community Service
On the Saturday February 3, 2024 Round Rock Sertoma was an active sponsor of the Annual School for the Deaf Pancake Breakfast, hosted by Share The Will Foundation. Several hundred pancake, egg and bacon breakfasts were prepared and served. The event this year raised approximately $14,000, which all goes directly to the students to help advance their studies. A major part of the funds is used to purchase laptops for students who don’t have the means to purchase their own.
Round Rock Sertoma participated in the delivery of about 60 meals to 9 Round Rock Fire Stations. Other Sponsored meals were delivered to Round Rock Police and Hope Alliance.
Thanks to everyone who supported the event, especially
Kent Macauley, who helped run meal prep this year.
The Round Rock meal delivery team :
Charlie Culpepper
Deloris Cruse.
Geri Carson
Mike Carson
Mike Paratore
Dennis Graffious
Bill Stoetzel
Jim Brock

Community Involvement
As recent investors in the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce, Sertoma members , Geri Carson, Jim Brock and Ed Harding attended a power lunch on October 25, 2023 featuring speakers on the future of healthcare in the Round Rock area. The speakers represented Austin Regional Clinic, Ascension Seton Williamson, St. David’s Round Rock Medical Center and Baylor, Scott & White. They were impressed with the presentation and were able to spread information about the Sertoma mission.

Community Support
The Blake Welton Memorial Golf Tournament was held at Shadow Glen Golf Course on October 20, 2023. Round Rock Sertoma was a sponsor for this event that raised over $13,000. The event was coordinated by Will Williams (Share the Will Foundation) and advice provided by Sertomans Mike Irish, Jim Greene, Jim Brock and Mike Chatron.

Community Service
As a service to the community, Round Rock Sertoma provides hearing screening for children at various schools. On October 19 -20, 2023, hearing screening was performed on approximately 500 children at Meridian School Round Rock. Sertoma member Geri Carson coordinates dates with the school and arranges the Sertoma volunteers to assist.

Community Support
With the help of volunteers and community partners, Round Rock ISD kicked off the new school year in a big way. Nearly 8,000 community members came out for health screenings, including hearing exams and vaccinations, family fun, and even finger-nail painting from the Round Rock ISD police officers. Round Rock Sertoma members performed hearing screening on approximately 298 students.

Community Involvement
Round Rock Sertoma sponsored a table to support the Round Rock Serving Center fundraiser, the 17th Annual Karamu August 5, 2023 at Kalahari Resort.
The Serving Center supports families in crisis and depend on donations to care for the needy in the community. Services provided include a food pantry, Amazon home delivery program, clothing & furniture vouchers, Keep Round Rock Warm, community gardens, The Volunteer Center, a charity resale store, Computers for Kids, and financial assistance for utilities, rent, prescriptions, payday loan assistance, transportation & temporary lodging.

Community Support

The Round Rock Sertoma Christmas tree fundraiser for 2022 was a success due to the partnership with the Texas Baptist Children’s Home in Round Rock. Sertoma donated $2,500 in appreciation of this partnership and their continuing support of children and families in need to empower and equip them for a promising future.
Appreciation Banquet
An appreciation banquet was held on Friday February 12, 2023. This is the time that we thank club members for the work that has been done during the previous months, especially the success of the Christmas tree fundraiser. This year Sertoma also presented awards for the Service to Mankind and the Sertoman of the Year.
One mission of Sertoma is to meet the needs of the community through volunteer service. The Service to Mankind award recognizes an outstanding non-Sertoman for exceptional community service. Goyo Hurtado began volunteering in 1997 in Georgetown Texas. He has supported organizations that include Round Rock Serrving Center, Texas Dental Missions of Mercy, Camp Sunshine, and Brookwood in Georgetown. The award was presented by Kent Macaulay.

Sertoman of the Year award recognizes an outstanding Sertoman for exceptional contributions to the club and in the spirit of service to mankind. Greg Rabaey has made significant contributions to the success of Round Rock Sertoma. Through his leadership and organizational skills, many projects especially the annual Christmas tree fundraiser continue to be a success for the club. The award was presented by Dennis Graffious.

Community Support
Round Rock Sertoma members participated in the Texas School for the Deaf annual pancake breakfast fundraiser that was held on Saturday February 4, 2023. Funds are used to support Texas families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Sertoma assisted in funding the event and members participated in cooking, serving and delivering to-go orders.

Round Rock Sertoma Christmas tree sales fundraiser
The annual Christmas tree fundraiser began on November 25, 2022 and completed on December 17, 2022. These funds will be used to continue the mission of supporting various causes in in our community.

Round Rock Sertoma Celebriduck race 2022 fundraiser
The Celebriduck race was held on October 29, 2022 at the Round Rock Kalahari resort Waterpark. Cash prizes were awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers. The remaining funds will be used to fulfill the mission to assist the needy in the community.

Community Service
During the Back to School Celebration at the Stony Point high School on August 6, 2022, Sertoma members performed hearing screening. Aprroximately 400 children were screened and 10% of those were recommended for additional evaluation by a hearing professional.

Officer Installation ceremony
An installation of officers was held Tuesday July 26, 2022. The ceremony was led by Karl Hanner, Club Charter member.

Round Rock Sertoma July 4th parade/ Frontier Days
This 2022 Parade attendance has been estimated at over 40,000 people. This may be the largest attendance. This event has been voted “Best Family event in Round Rock”.

Community support
Over the years Round Rock Sertoma has supported the YMCA of Central Texas for their effort to offer scholarships to those that are unable to pay for activities. This year the club donated $1,000.

Round Rock High School Serteens – ZOI
Zoi Ora Filos is a Round Rock Sertoma Serteen group that consists of young women currently attending Round Rock High School. Zoi Ora Filos was founded in 1990 and is an all-girls community service organization. The name of the club in Greek means “Life-time Friends.” The club works to serve the community and create meaningful bonds through the spirit of volunteerism. Click here to discover the many activities that keep the group busy throughout the year.
The end of the year banquet is aptly named the Belle of the Ball and this year was held at the Lone Oak Barn in Round Rock. Current members, Seniors and current Board of Directors are recognized for their service during the year. During this ceremony the flame from the current Club Board is handed off to the incoming Board.

Community assistance
On March 21, 2022 a tornado ripped through the city on a northeastern path, destroying businesses, automobiles, infrastructure and homes. By the morning of March 22, as Williamson County and Round Rock officials were updating residents about where to find shelter, food and other assistance, homeowners in South Creek had been working for hours and trying to figure out exactly how much damage had been done.
On Saturday April 22, 2022, the South Creek neighborhood held a dinner / get together. About 50 neighbors attended. Lots of discussion regarding things that could be done to render assistance to the citizens of this community. Points were made to ensure that they registered with the state and the city to get some help. Discussed insurance tips especially surrounding concerns on insurance deductibles. Importantly, everyone went home with a smile on their face.
Round Rock Sertoma members and several spouses attended the event and offered their support. Attending were Jim and Noreen Brock, Mike Chatron, Kent Macaulay, Mike Paratore, Mike & Janice Parker, Geri & Mike Carson.

Round Rock High School JROTC 2022
Round Rock Sertoma presented a check for $2,500 to the Round Rock High School JROTC in appreciation for their assistance during the 2021 Christmas tree sale fundraiser. The cadets spent more than 600 hours helping with various tasks associated with tree lot. The club is grateful to their commitment to raising funds to assist the community.
Presenting the check is Jim Brock, Sponsorship Director, to Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Olmeda Jr. USMC/Ret. on behalf of the cadets.

Texas Baptist Children’s Home 2022
Round Rock Sertoma presented a check for $2,500 to the Texas Baptist Children’s Home (TBCH) in appreciation for using the property to host the club’s annual Christmas tree fundraiser. The club is grateful for this partnership and the great work by TBCH for the Round Rock community.

Celebrity Duck Race 2021

The Round Rock Sertoma Celebiduck race was held December 11, 2021 at the Kalahari Waterpark Lazy River. Sertoma would like to thank our corporate sponsor HEB for their generous support. We also thank Brian Szydloski, Waterpark Director, and his staff for ensuring a smooth race.
$6,000 was awarded to the charities identified by the top 5 winners of the race.
- 1st place: Eddie Youmans on behalf of Robert and Julie Lopez
- 2nd place: Danny Snyder
- 3rd place: Jeff Pierson
- 4th place: Geri Carson
- 5th place: Ed Harding
The distribution of the remaining funds will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Christmas Tree fundraiser 2021
The annual fundraiser began on November 26, 2021 and completed the last sale on December 8, 2021. Funds that were raised will help assist our continuing effort to assist those in need in the community. In addition to the work by Sertoma members, the Cadets `from the Round Rock High School Marine Corp JrROTC program joined in the effort as part of their community service.

Round Rock Sertoma in Action
Our mission and our passion is to improve the quality of life for those at risk or impacted by hearing loss through education and support. One way to support this mission is screening of children for hearing loss. Several members of the club are certified in audiology screening for early detection of hearing loss. Results of the sceeening are provided to the school administration to pass on to the parents.
On Tuesday September 21, 2021 30 children were evaluated at the Children’s Lighthouse of Round Rock Daycare, in conjunction with the Round Rock Lions club screening for vision. Sertoma members assisting in the screening included Geri Carson, Deloris Cruse, Kent Macaulay, and Jim Brock.
On Friday September 24, 2021 13 students, ages 3 and 4, were evaluated at Emerson Academy. Sertoma members assisting in the audiology screening included Gerald Boyer, Geri Carson, Kent Macaulay, Janice Parker, Dennis Graffious and Mike Paratore. An important aspect of the screening process is to assist the young students become comfortable with the testing process and to respond to the test.
The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) provides assistance to hearing screening programs for preschool – school-age children. Workshops are held around the state to train interested individuals to perform basic hearing screening.
On Saturday September 25, 2021 a recertification workshop was conducted at the Baca Center, Round Rock, TX. Paul Rodriguez orchestrated the training session for Sertoma members and 6 Texas State University SERTEENS led by Aubre Best.
Attending the training included:
Paul Best
Kent Macauley
Noreen Brock
Jim Brock
Dennis Graffious
Ed Harding
Mike Paratore
Deb Hobbs
Rick Lindstrom
Janice Parker
Any organization that would like hearing screening performed should contact Round Rock Sertoma at
Round Rock Sertoma Independence Day parade July 3, 2021

Round Rock Frontier Days fundraiser July 3, 2021
Texas Baptist Children’s Home
The Round Rock Sertoma Christmas tree fundraiser for 2020 was relocated to the Texas Baptist Children’s Home (TBCH) in Round Rock. Due to the overwhelming support for this fundraiser and the important contribution of TBCH to the Round Rock community, Round Rock Sertoma donated $1,500.
Recognizing Dell Children’s Hospital
A major percentage of the proceeds from the annual Duck Race are donated to Dell Children’s Hospital and Ronald McDonald House. Over the years, that amount has exceeded $100,000.
Check presentation to Michelle Hsieh Pho, PhD,. Pediatric Audiologist by Sertoman Mike Irish.

Round Rock Sertoma Independence Day Parade July 3, 2021